Octopus Energy Daikin Heat Pump Installation - Day 1
In this latest blog post, I detail the installation process of our Daikin 4kW Altherma heat pump by Octopus Energy. This post will be a diary of the installation day by day. This is day one.
Octopus Energy Daikin Heat Pump Installation - Preperation
In this latest blog post, I detail the installation process of our Daikin 4kW Altherma heat pump by Octopus Energy. This post will be a diary of the installation day by day.
June Solar Generation and Export Numbers
The statistics for our SolarPV and battery system for the month of June 2024
Sunsynk power flow card for LuxpowerTek Inverter (Update 3)
This is my favourite power flow card for Home Assistant
Using Broadlink RM4 Pro with Home Assistant
Setting up the Using Broadlink RM4 Pro with Home Assistant
May Solar Generation and Export Numbers
The statistics for our SolarPV and battery system for the month of May
My heat pump journey with Octopus Energy - Part 2 (Planning Permission)
This post is about our planning permission experience and final decision regarding our heat pump installation
April Solar Generation and Export Numbers
The statistics for our SolarPV and battery system for the month of April
March Solar Generation and Export Numbers
The statistics for our SolarPV and battery system for the month of March
Recording maximum watts per solar panel string with Home Assistant - Update
Adding maximum and live solar panel wattage to a Home Assistant Dashboard
Home Assistant Dashboard card daily energy cost
Home Assistant Dashboard card daily energy cost. This shows how to calculate your daily energy cost and not reboot on a Home Assistant restart
How cold affects home battery charging
How a -5c overnight temperature affected my home battery charging.
My heat pump journey with Octopus Energy - Part 1
This is my journey to getting a heat pump installed with Octopus Energy
Using Aqara Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Home Assistant
Using the Aqara Temperature and Humidity Sensors with Home Assistant
February Solar Generation and Export Numbers
The statistics for our SolarPV and battery system for the month of February
January Solar Generation and Export Numbers
The statistics for our SolarPV and battery system for the month of January
Our first year with solar and battery
A review of my first year with our solar and battery system. December 2022 through to 2023
December Solar Generation and Export Numbers
The statistics for our SolarPV and battery system for the month of December