Setting overnight battery usage start time - Updated

Following on from the Setting overnight battery charge level article, this post explains how I use Home Assistant to configure the time the battery will start to discharge overnight. This is an updated post. The original is here. The issue with the original code was, it didn’t take in to account any forecast greater than 19 kWh. If the Solcast forecast was above that the default time would revert to 6am.


Over the winter I wanted the battery to be as charged as possible when the day gets started. I would set the discharge time to 6am. In the summer I should be able to use the battery earlier as it should soon get topped up. This automation checks the current battery charge level at 23:30 and then depending on the remaining battery level and the Solcast forecast will set the battery discharge time.

I am not convinced this is worth doing as the Agile Octopus tariff is cheap during these hours, but I the geek in me says, why pay when you don’t have to?

alias: Solar - Set Overnight Battery Usage v3
description: Solar - Set Overnight Battery Usage v3
  - platform: time
    at: "23:30:00"
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: numeric_state
            entity_id: sensor.lux_battery
            above: 40
          - service: number.set_value
              value: >
                {% set x = states('sensor.solcast_forecast_tomorrow') | int(0)%}
                {% if x >= 20 %} 
                  {{ 0 }} 
                {% elif x >= 17 <= 19 %}
                  {{ 2 }}
                {% elif x >= 14 <= 16 %}
                  {{ 4 }}
                {% else %} 
                  {{ 6 }}
                {% endif %}
              entity_id: number.lux_force_charge_end1
          - service: notify.notify
              message: |
                The battery will be used after {{
                states("number.lux_force_charge_end1") }} o'clock
                Forecast is {{ states("sensor.solcast_forecast_tomorrow") }} kWh
              title: Set Overnight Battery Usage (Forecast)
      - service: number.set_value
          value: 6
          entity_id: number.lux_force_charge_end1
      - service: notify.notify
          message: |
            The battery will be used after {{
            states("number.lux_force_charge_end1") }} o'clock  
            Forecast is {{ states("sensor.solcast_forecast_tomorrow") }} kWh
          title: Set Overnight Battery Usage (Default)
mode: single

This isn’t very scientific, but this is what I have come up with. It takes tomorrow’s Solcast forecast value and makes it an integer and assigns it to X. This is scheduled at 11.30pm. If the battery has more than 40% battery remaining then it will check the forecast and set the battery start time accordingly. If the battery has less than 40% then the battery discharge time will be set to 6am.

Forecast - Battery charge over 40%

Greater equal to 20 kWH - Midnight

Greater equal to 17 kWh and less than or equal to 19 kWh - 2am

Greater equal to 14 kWh and less than or equal to 16 kWh - 4am

Any other value - 6am

The title of the message sent will either have (Default) or (Forecast) on the end. This helps with debugging which condition triggered.

Michael Curtis

My introduction to computers started at my middle school in 1981 when our maths teacher brought in a ZX80. That led the computer club being founded and using a Research Machine 380Z

My first computer was a 48K ZX Spectrum which I loved to programme. Once I left school I worked as a photocopier engineer, then a fax engineer and finally moving on the Apple computers.

For the next 30 years I worked as a system administrator. I now work in the cyber security industry as a Sophos Professional Services consultant

May’s Solar Generation and Export Numbers


Recording maximum watts per solar panel string with Home Assistant