August Solar Generation and Export Numbers
Here is the overview for August 2023. August again was not as good as I would have liked. Even though this is our first August with the system and I have no previous years to compare it too, the weather in the UK was very un August like
The worst generation day was the 5th with only 9.3 kWh. This was better than the worst day in July, The best day was the 27th when 27.5 kWh was generated. The best day ever was 32.9 kWh in May. This just goes to show what we should be generating
The best export day was the 9th with 11.4 kWh. In fact, that was the only day in double digits. The best export day was the 9th June with 16.7 kWh
The graph below is the total generation for August compared to the rest of the year. Some of the battery came from the Octopus Agile overnight charging. More on that at the bottom of this post
2023 generation graph. January to August
Overview for August
The graph below shows the generation for each day
Graph showing production for the month
The graphs below show the generation split between the front and back panels
Graph showing production for the front facing panels
Graph showing production for the back facing panels
Octopus Agile
The costs shown here do include the standing charge. Any comparisons are compared to the unit cost if we were not on Octopus Agile, which is 30.09p per kWh.
For the month of August the average unit cost Octopus Agile Import was 15.92p. The average unit cost Octopus Agile Export was 9.52p
Our best export day by cost was the 9th with £1.06. The average Agile export rate for that day was 9.45p kWh
Our electricity cost from the grid for August was £26.89 compared to £43.77 on the standard tariff, this is a saving of £31.10 comparing Agile to the standard tariff once the export is also added
The solar generated £173.16 using the standard until rate of 30.09p per kWh
In total we exported 145.70 kWh and made £14.22
This month we used 12 half hour slots. In July we used 4. This may seem strange, but during August Octopus Agile slots went over 35p a few times, some as high as 60p. I wanted to make sure the battery was charged and it would cover those high slots. As the battery would be fully charged earlier, so of this cost would come back via the export. The average cost of the overnight slots used was 13p per kWh. The cheapest slot was 8.82p per kWh the most expensive slot was 19.40p per kWh. These are the price slots used, not the best slots. There were cheaper slots, but we didn’t need them on those days
The percentage of our electricity generated by the solar panels for August was 118%. We generated 560.4 kWh compared to the house consumption of 474.1 kWh. Some of that house consumption includes the Solar iBoost. That used 8.21 kWh of the solar we produced.
The best profit day was 10th. We made 28p. Import cost was 51p, the export was 80p
Here is the Octopus Watch report summary
Octopus Watch summary
Solar panel performance declines over the years. I thought it might be interesting to see how mine compares. Of course weather comes into it, but hopefully this will be a useful guide.